Thursday, August 26, 2010

Marley Mama Revealed~ Tattoos

If we've hung out in the past year or so, you've probably noticed my gigantic and awesome modest forearm tattoo. Everywhere I go, whether it's the grocery store or family amusement park, people comment and/or stare at my tat. Maybe it's because I am also toting around 3 little boys under 6? Maybe it's because I am usually wearing something wrinkled and caked in goldfish cracker crumbs? Maybe it's because it's interesting to watch a mom hop up out of her van, grab her diaper bag, pick up the toys and wipes that just fell on the ground, and usher her bazillion kids into Target only to realize she left her wallet at home. I have no idea why we're so interesting, but people definitely stare.

Anyway, I love my tattoos, but I also love tattoos in general. Each tattoo and each individual rocking that tat is an original... unique and proud to express it. A tattoo is a collaboration between two (or more) people. First, the person being tatted brings his/her ideas to the table. People have tons of reasons for wanting to get tatted up and plenty of inspiration for what art they want to display on their bodies for eternity.
Also, the artist brings his/her ideas into play. The artist gets to interpret someone else's dream or idea and then bring it to life. Incredible.

Individuality is lacking in society today. People are so quick to jump on the nearest bandwagon before examining the occupants. And even as tattoos themselves become more mainstream, each individual tattoo will always be an original. I am proud to rock my tat and proud of the collaboration between my artist and myself. Shout out to Mike at Flesh: insert here. Mike took my scattered Internet print-outs, random thoughts, inspiration and turned it all into something I wear on my arm everyday of my life.

In my opinion, tattoos are stunning and sexy. Even if I don't particularly love the subject of your tat, I appreciate your ability to embrace your individuality and your I-don't-really-care-what-you-think attitude. So, rock on my people and quit staring at my tats =)

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