Friday, August 26, 2011

disney, an earthquake, and a hurricane

Well friends, we had a fabulous time in Disney World and I absolutely cannot wait to share some photos of all the fun! The boys all had a blast and are tired enough to prove it!

While we were in Florida, Maryland experienced a rare earthquake and we can't believe we missed it! Mason is such a little weather-man... so interested in all things natural disaster-ish... so he is totally bummed to have missed out on the opportunity to experience an earthquake.

No worries though, we haven't totally missed the weather insanity! We are prepping for another rare occurrence in Maryland... Hurricane Irene! The four of us, the boys and I of course, ventured out today for hurricane essentials... not that we even know what we should get! The stores were ridiculous and people were just crazy. The lines were outrageous and "D" batteries were missing from every shelf. I managed to find enough water at the grocery store and tried to stock up on non-perishable foods just in case we lose power for a few days. I picked up candles, batteries, and flashlights... maybe I'm overdoing it, but with three little boys in the house, well, I just want to be prepared.

I'll post Disney pics asap, hopefully before the storm hits! Wish us luck, as the east coast is not used to such a big storm heading our way! Pray that the response is quick and efficient!

Woohoo Irene! Bring it!

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