I feel closest to God when I'm looking out into the ocean. His presence is so apparent in the miles of soft sand, absolutely enormous ocean, cool sea breeze, and interesting beach critters. I love swimming just past where the waves are crashing, knowing God's creatures are all around, and being part of the vast ocean... a lovely reminder that I am just a teeny, tiny part of this enormous world. Humbling.
So, each summer our little family makes the short three hour trip to enjoy the beauty of "the beach". Somehow we find a way to cram a months worth of fun into a few sporadic weekends. We kayak, crab, bike, swim, and relax. We never skip the boardwalk where we ride all the rides and waste a ludicrous amount of money on claw machines (my personal fave)! Ice cream is a must-have treat, as well as seafood, pizza, and lots of other goodies.
My happy boys on a "boat" ride.
Biggest caring for the littlest.
Pop with Mason and his biggest catch! ps. we threw them all back :)
Zia Ronnie's first time on a kayak!
Daddy letting Austin row!
Travis being swallowed up by his life vest.
Mason looks a lot more excited than Daddy :)
Austin with Pop and a baby crabby.
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