Travis is so sensitive and loving. He is so very generous. His kindness actually amazes me. Sometimes I sit back and think, "I can't believe he just did that. I wouldn't have done that and I'm 23 years older than he is". Selfishness just isn't even in Travis' universe. He is an amazing child. Seriously.
If it's not already obvious, of course my sweet, sensitive little boy chose to have a Star Wars birthday party... complete with foam light sabers and Darth Vader cupcakes. What did you expect people, Care Bears?
I have to admit, I failed on my mom duty to fully capture the event in photographs, but here's what I've got for you...
R2D2 cake, Darth Vader & storm trooper cupcakes, light saber cupcakes
Chocolate covered light sabers... ahem, pretzels
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