My post has officially been added to the An Orphan's Wish blog!
I am so blessed to be able to have a hand in helping this organization successfully advocate for special needs orphans in China... so blessed.
A few months ago, I sat in this same chair in front of this computer and wished I could make a difference for these children. I wished I was creative enough... smart enough... to dream up a way to reach these little lives and bring them hope and LOVE.
Today, there's a little spark in my heart that wasn't there before. Today I am proud of how far I've come and how far I will go.
An Orphan's Wish gives so much more than they even know. They give so very much to the beautiful, vibrant, incredible children at HoL... but that is not all... oh no.
An Orphan's Wish has given me hope. Hope for the future of orphans all over this world and reassurance that there is still very much good if you are willing to find it and become a part of it. AOW has given me pride in myself and confidence to encourage others to care... as much as I do.
Thank you AOW.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Catching up...
We've had a lot on our plates lately and I'm REALLY looking forward to sharing what's been going on in our hearts and in our home! Just a little while longer...
That said, here's what we've been up to otherwise... in photos...

That said, here's what we've been up to otherwise... in photos...
Fun at the park
Austin loving the swing!
OOOooo, I just adore this little munchkin!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunshine on a cloudy day
Today, as I traveled down a familiar road, I saw an unfamiliar site.
I could never recall how many times I have driven down this road. The number is far too great to remember. I also can't recall how many times I have seen someone or something out of the ordinary, as living in my city is quite an adventure.
I have seen homeless people sleeping on park benches. I have seen prostitutes and drug dealers. I have seen gangs and fights. I have seen the projects and the people struggling to make their homes there. I have seen children wandering the streets in an areas unsafe for grown men. I have witnessed so many unfortunate scenes and sadly become slightly accustomed to it.
With that said, something about what I saw this morning made my heart skip a beat... made me stare a little longer... made me smile a little wider... made me pray a little harder. Now my eyes are welling up with tears =) This morning I was reminded that He is here. I am not alone. He is everywhere and knows me sooooooo well.
Today, in the distance, I saw a man walking. He seemed to have a disability. As I approached, I could see that his legs were very bowed. As I passed, I saw him walking on bilateral club feet. I saw his beautiful Asian features, but his smile stole my heart. He was walking with pride. He was walking with joy. I don't know how far he had come or how far he had to go, but I was cheering for him the whole way. On this rainy, gray day... this man eluded sunshine and as I appreciated his light, I felt Him in my heart.
I know that when I am strong, God is cheering me on and when I am weak, He is lifting me up. I felt Him today, lifting me up and reminding me that my goal is His and is on my heart, because He put it there. Thank you for the blessing of reassurance today... I sure needed it.
I could never recall how many times I have driven down this road. The number is far too great to remember. I also can't recall how many times I have seen someone or something out of the ordinary, as living in my city is quite an adventure.
I have seen homeless people sleeping on park benches. I have seen prostitutes and drug dealers. I have seen gangs and fights. I have seen the projects and the people struggling to make their homes there. I have seen children wandering the streets in an areas unsafe for grown men. I have witnessed so many unfortunate scenes and sadly become slightly accustomed to it.
With that said, something about what I saw this morning made my heart skip a beat... made me stare a little longer... made me smile a little wider... made me pray a little harder. Now my eyes are welling up with tears =) This morning I was reminded that He is here. I am not alone. He is everywhere and knows me sooooooo well.
Today, in the distance, I saw a man walking. He seemed to have a disability. As I approached, I could see that his legs were very bowed. As I passed, I saw him walking on bilateral club feet. I saw his beautiful Asian features, but his smile stole my heart. He was walking with pride. He was walking with joy. I don't know how far he had come or how far he had to go, but I was cheering for him the whole way. On this rainy, gray day... this man eluded sunshine and as I appreciated his light, I felt Him in my heart.
I know that when I am strong, God is cheering me on and when I am weak, He is lifting me up. I felt Him today, lifting me up and reminding me that my goal is His and is on my heart, because He put it there. Thank you for the blessing of reassurance today... I sure needed it.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Just so you know
Every time I "view" my blog, my eyes go right to that little picture of sweet Lulu... on my sponsor button.
Ohh, I could eat her up she is so precious!
I would love to just scoop her up and carry her around on my hip all day long. I'm certain her casts would start digging into my love handles and I'm positive my arms would start going numb eventually... but still, what I would give to tote that little angel around. On second thought, if I got to visit Lulu Love, I would most definitely pop her into my Ergo and smother her forehead with kisses, just as I did with my boys =)
I pray for you my little sponsor baby, that if only for today, you feel the love of a mother... unconditional and eternal. I pray your needs are met quickly and fully. I know you are in such wonderful care... I pray God's hands are working quickly to find your forever family.
Ohh, I could eat her up she is so precious!
I would love to just scoop her up and carry her around on my hip all day long. I'm certain her casts would start digging into my love handles and I'm positive my arms would start going numb eventually... but still, what I would give to tote that little angel around. On second thought, if I got to visit Lulu Love, I would most definitely pop her into my Ergo and smother her forehead with kisses, just as I did with my boys =)
I pray for you my little sponsor baby, that if only for today, you feel the love of a mother... unconditional and eternal. I pray your needs are met quickly and fully. I know you are in such wonderful care... I pray God's hands are working quickly to find your forever family.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Warmth of Love
Has it been 4 years?
Could someone tell me where the last 4 years have gone? I really cannot believe it has been 4 years since my sweet Travis came into this world.
Travis is so sensitive and loving. He is so very generous. His kindness actually amazes me. Sometimes I sit back and think, "I can't believe he just did that. I wouldn't have done that and I'm 23 years older than he is". Selfishness just isn't even in Travis' universe. He is an amazing child. Seriously.
If it's not already obvious, of course my sweet, sensitive little boy chose to have a Star Wars birthday party... complete with foam light sabers and Darth Vader cupcakes. What did you expect people, Care Bears?
My pathetic R2 cake

Chocolate covered light sabers... ahem, pretzels
Travis is so sensitive and loving. He is so very generous. His kindness actually amazes me. Sometimes I sit back and think, "I can't believe he just did that. I wouldn't have done that and I'm 23 years older than he is". Selfishness just isn't even in Travis' universe. He is an amazing child. Seriously.
If it's not already obvious, of course my sweet, sensitive little boy chose to have a Star Wars birthday party... complete with foam light sabers and Darth Vader cupcakes. What did you expect people, Care Bears?
I have to admit, I failed on my mom duty to fully capture the event in photographs, but here's what I've got for you...
R2D2 cake, Darth Vader & storm trooper cupcakes, light saber cupcakes
Chocolate covered light sabers... ahem, pretzels
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I am... truly.
We only need 13 more sponsors to reach our goal of 100 sponsors in 100 days!
I have to admit, I've had my doubts, but here we are... so stinkin' close!
Please, please, please sponsor one of our beautiful babes at AOW. Hop on over to and take a look around! Thank you!
We only need 13 more sponsors to reach our goal of 100 sponsors in 100 days!
I have to admit, I've had my doubts, but here we are... so stinkin' close!
Please, please, please sponsor one of our beautiful babes at AOW. Hop on over to and take a look around! Thank you!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
We're so close!

We have less than two weeks to reach our goal of 100 sponsors in 100 days! Please choose to give rather than receive! Thank you!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Please don't forget to visit and learn more about what we do! Look at the precious faces of our children and open your heart to sponsoring a child who needs your support to reach his/her full potential! These children are so incredible! So resourceful!
Clearly, times are hard for many of us, but our hard times do not compare to the experiences of even the tiniest baby in the care of AOW. Dig deep... what can you sacrifice in order to give a child the medical care he/she needs and deserves?
Daily, I look at my children and try to imagine their lives without me and Mike. Each of my children is so unique and amazing in their very own way, but I wonder how they would be different if they didn't have a mommy and daddy tending to their needs. I know that Austin wouldn't lean in to kiss me every time I tell him I love him. I know a kiss wouldn't cure his boo-boos. I know he wouldn't find comfort resting his head on my chest. I know Travis wouldn't ask me to "snuggle him up" every night before bed. I know he wouldn't tell me he loves me "bigger than the sky." I know Mason wouldn't tell his little brother to "have a good day at school". I know he wouldn't come running at the sound of Mommy getting hurt, arms spread open wide, ready to comfort.
Some of the very things that make my children so amazing... so loving and absolutely incredible, would not be part of who they are if they didn't have parents. If they did not have the love of a family forever, they would not be the same people they are today.
It makes me aware of how critical it is to support the children at AOW and show them consistency, comfort, and love while they are in care. I am reminded how important it is for them to receive medical treatment and then have the opportunity to find the love of forever families.
Please consider sponsoring one of the children at AOW. Give them the chance to find their forever families. Give them the chance to let down their guard and let their unique, loving personalities shine through. It's so much more than sending a monthly donation. It is sending love and opportunity... and it feels amazing.
Clearly, times are hard for many of us, but our hard times do not compare to the experiences of even the tiniest baby in the care of AOW. Dig deep... what can you sacrifice in order to give a child the medical care he/she needs and deserves?
Daily, I look at my children and try to imagine their lives without me and Mike. Each of my children is so unique and amazing in their very own way, but I wonder how they would be different if they didn't have a mommy and daddy tending to their needs. I know that Austin wouldn't lean in to kiss me every time I tell him I love him. I know a kiss wouldn't cure his boo-boos. I know he wouldn't find comfort resting his head on my chest. I know Travis wouldn't ask me to "snuggle him up" every night before bed. I know he wouldn't tell me he loves me "bigger than the sky." I know Mason wouldn't tell his little brother to "have a good day at school". I know he wouldn't come running at the sound of Mommy getting hurt, arms spread open wide, ready to comfort.
Some of the very things that make my children so amazing... so loving and absolutely incredible, would not be part of who they are if they didn't have parents. If they did not have the love of a family forever, they would not be the same people they are today.
It makes me aware of how critical it is to support the children at AOW and show them consistency, comfort, and love while they are in care. I am reminded how important it is for them to receive medical treatment and then have the opportunity to find the love of forever families.
Please consider sponsoring one of the children at AOW. Give them the chance to find their forever families. Give them the chance to let down their guard and let their unique, loving personalities shine through. It's so much more than sending a monthly donation. It is sending love and opportunity... and it feels amazing.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Say what?!
I am pleased to announce that I have been asked to write a blog entry for An Orphan's Wish. I am astonished to add that the post will be about fund raising! I am impressed with God's ability to challenge my weaknesses in a way that I almost cannot resist. How could I say no to blogging for this organization that I adore? How could I say no to the opportunity to encourage others to support the children? I could not and would not, but am I really qualified? I am so very appreciative for this opportunity to grow personally and to be able to reach greater numbers of readers who will be able to put my ideas and suggestions into action. It is my sincerest hope that my fund raising events start popping up all over the US, bringing in lots of supplies and donations for the amazing children at the House of Love.
Of course, when my entry is published, I will post a link here so you can check it out!!
Of course, when my entry is published, I will post a link here so you can check it out!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Oh facebook
I am always amazed at the audacity of some people... and this is coming from a girl who tends to speak her mind even if it might rub some people the wrong way. In my own defense, I am outspoken, but I am also a nice person... but that's another post entirely.
Anyway, I despise when people boldly speak about things they clearly have to knowledge of in the first place.
A simple example: If I stop and ask you for directions, I would MUCH prefer you be honest and tell me you don't know how to find my destination, rather than pretend to know exactly where I'm going and send me halfway around the country with your stupidity.
Another example: Deep down in my soul, I cannot bear to read the idiotic "...99% of you are too scared to repost this..." statuses on facebook. Today I read this,
"Homeless go without eating....Elderly go without needed medicines.....Mentally ill without treatment....Troops without proper equipment....Yet we donate millions to other countries before helping our own first....99% of people on facebook won't have the guts to repost this!!!!! Will"
Now if your heart is racing and you want to jump through the computer and strangle the oblivious individual who posted this quote as their facebook status, then you and me... we're on the same page, Homey. If you are wondering why that statement sends adrenaline pumping through my body, then sit back, relax, and open your mind. By the way, my heart is still pounding in my chest.
Here we go my friends, the main problem with that statement is the examples given are completely inadequate and irrelevant for comparative purposes. How can I explain in words how substantial this is? You cannot compare the USA's homeless, hungry, elderly, troops, and mentally ill with say... Ethiopia's, for example. As of 2010, the life expectancy for individuals born in Ethiopia is 55.41 years. They don't even have elderly!!! They don't live that long! And they certainly don't have medicines! They are lucky to have a bed. Many in Ethiopia live in mud huts. Straw for beds. No medicines, people. The beautiful people of Ethiopia are dying from completely preventable and/or curable illnesses and diseases. Everyday. I can guarantee with every ounce of my being, that if the individual who posted the statement described, or anyone else for that matter, spent one measly hour in Ethiopia, they would have a brand new outlook.
In Ethiopia, any type of disability leaves you homeless, walking the streets, begging for food and money. If you are a female, God help you, because you are prime real estate. You are almost absolutely forced into a life of prostitution. Then what will become of your children? There isn't birth control! No one will give you a job. You have no home. Your family shuns you, because of your disability. You will give birth alone, and then what... hmmm? What? How will you survive? How will your child survive?
Furthermore, my brother is a Marine. He has completed 1 tour in Iraq and spent time in Peru, as well. I know, firsthand, the struggles our military faces and want nothing, but the best for the men and women who are protecting our country. That said, you cannot compare our military to the military (if you even want to call it that), in other countries. Ethiopia's military, seriously? Do I even need to explain?
Here's the thing, there's a whole lot of crap going on in this world... a whole lot of crap I don't understand. Here's what I need to say though...
We are all human. It is so disgustingly selfish to disregard life, simply because it is found in another country. Why are the living, breathing, feeling beings across the world less worthy than we are? The bottom line is, the people in Ethiopia (and many other countries) are suffering and dying horrific deaths. The children... be still my heart... the children must endure hardships that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. You must not disregard their suffering. You must not compare their lives to ours in an effort to keep your money on your own lavish countryside. Do not speak of things that you have no knowledge about. And IF you do actually fully understand the lives of the people living in other countries, devastated by natural disasters, disease, war... and still think it is appropriate to stand on your soapbox and insist to keep America's money in America... then well, get off my blog. I very sincerely hope you are never in a situation where you need aid. Because someone might find some ridiculous reason to deny you help, simply because they can. How bad would that suck?
Anyway, I despise when people boldly speak about things they clearly have to knowledge of in the first place.
A simple example: If I stop and ask you for directions, I would MUCH prefer you be honest and tell me you don't know how to find my destination, rather than pretend to know exactly where I'm going and send me halfway around the country with your stupidity.
Another example: Deep down in my soul, I cannot bear to read the idiotic "...99% of you are too scared to repost this..." statuses on facebook. Today I read this,
"Homeless go without eating....Elderly go without needed medicines.....Mentally ill without treatment....Troops without proper equipment....Yet we donate millions to other countries before helping our own first....99% of people on facebook won't have the guts to repost this!!!!! Will"
Now if your heart is racing and you want to jump through the computer and strangle the oblivious individual who posted this quote as their facebook status, then you and me... we're on the same page, Homey. If you are wondering why that statement sends adrenaline pumping through my body, then sit back, relax, and open your mind. By the way, my heart is still pounding in my chest.
Here we go my friends, the main problem with that statement is the examples given are completely inadequate and irrelevant for comparative purposes. How can I explain in words how substantial this is? You cannot compare the USA's homeless, hungry, elderly, troops, and mentally ill with say... Ethiopia's, for example. As of 2010, the life expectancy for individuals born in Ethiopia is 55.41 years. They don't even have elderly!!! They don't live that long! And they certainly don't have medicines! They are lucky to have a bed. Many in Ethiopia live in mud huts. Straw for beds. No medicines, people. The beautiful people of Ethiopia are dying from completely preventable and/or curable illnesses and diseases. Everyday. I can guarantee with every ounce of my being, that if the individual who posted the statement described, or anyone else for that matter, spent one measly hour in Ethiopia, they would have a brand new outlook.
In Ethiopia, any type of disability leaves you homeless, walking the streets, begging for food and money. If you are a female, God help you, because you are prime real estate. You are almost absolutely forced into a life of prostitution. Then what will become of your children? There isn't birth control! No one will give you a job. You have no home. Your family shuns you, because of your disability. You will give birth alone, and then what... hmmm? What? How will you survive? How will your child survive?
Furthermore, my brother is a Marine. He has completed 1 tour in Iraq and spent time in Peru, as well. I know, firsthand, the struggles our military faces and want nothing, but the best for the men and women who are protecting our country. That said, you cannot compare our military to the military (if you even want to call it that), in other countries. Ethiopia's military, seriously? Do I even need to explain?
Here's the thing, there's a whole lot of crap going on in this world... a whole lot of crap I don't understand. Here's what I need to say though...
We are all human. It is so disgustingly selfish to disregard life, simply because it is found in another country. Why are the living, breathing, feeling beings across the world less worthy than we are? The bottom line is, the people in Ethiopia (and many other countries) are suffering and dying horrific deaths. The children... be still my heart... the children must endure hardships that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. You must not disregard their suffering. You must not compare their lives to ours in an effort to keep your money on your own lavish countryside. Do not speak of things that you have no knowledge about. And IF you do actually fully understand the lives of the people living in other countries, devastated by natural disasters, disease, war... and still think it is appropriate to stand on your soapbox and insist to keep America's money in America... then well, get off my blog. I very sincerely hope you are never in a situation where you need aid. Because someone might find some ridiculous reason to deny you help, simply because they can. How bad would that suck?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ahhh, individuality... one of my favorite topics.
Individuality is on my mind today, because... well... because I love it that much.
I am drawn to people who live their lives with little to no influence from society.
It is so insanely hard to look within ourselves instead of to others, because we don't trust ourselves. We automatically think that someone else, regardless of how ignorant they really are, knows more about any given subject than we do. Why is that? Why don't we see ourselves as the brilliant, beautiful creations we are? Conformity is a sad, sad reality for so many people who would otherwise, have so much to offer.
Also, if we, as individuals, find ourselves feeling ignorant in the presence of others, why don't we then educate ourselves? Instead, we feel lower and less worthy. Take an encounter with a knowledgeable individual as an opportunity. Be empowered. Pick up a book and educate yourself. There is an infinite amount of subjects, capable of grasping your heart and creating an undying passion in your soul. Don't you want to be passionate? Don't you want to make a difference? Only you have the power to determine your path in this life. You can happily join in with the crowd and live your days unaware of the vast knowledge and astounding impact you could have on this world. Or, you can embrace your God given ability to make your own choices. Figure out what you believe in! Don't just agree with the majority, uneducated. Empower yourself! Then, stand up for what you believe in... and you'll be able too, people, because you will have the knowledge to back it up... as well as the love and passion for what you are fighting for.
In my short time on this earth, I have already found many causes worth fighting for. It took some time for me to understand why I feel so strongly about specific topics, but I now realize that these are subjects I have educated myself on (years worth) and my interest drove me to learn more, and my thirst for knowledge turned into love in my heart. I am who I am. I love what I love... but that will change over time... as it should.
I hope you will, if only for a moment, look within yourself for your guiding light. I promise, what you find will be amazing.
Individuality is on my mind today, because... well... because I love it that much.
I am drawn to people who live their lives with little to no influence from society.
It is so insanely hard to look within ourselves instead of to others, because we don't trust ourselves. We automatically think that someone else, regardless of how ignorant they really are, knows more about any given subject than we do. Why is that? Why don't we see ourselves as the brilliant, beautiful creations we are? Conformity is a sad, sad reality for so many people who would otherwise, have so much to offer.
Also, if we, as individuals, find ourselves feeling ignorant in the presence of others, why don't we then educate ourselves? Instead, we feel lower and less worthy. Take an encounter with a knowledgeable individual as an opportunity. Be empowered. Pick up a book and educate yourself. There is an infinite amount of subjects, capable of grasping your heart and creating an undying passion in your soul. Don't you want to be passionate? Don't you want to make a difference? Only you have the power to determine your path in this life. You can happily join in with the crowd and live your days unaware of the vast knowledge and astounding impact you could have on this world. Or, you can embrace your God given ability to make your own choices. Figure out what you believe in! Don't just agree with the majority, uneducated. Empower yourself! Then, stand up for what you believe in... and you'll be able too, people, because you will have the knowledge to back it up... as well as the love and passion for what you are fighting for.
In my short time on this earth, I have already found many causes worth fighting for. It took some time for me to understand why I feel so strongly about specific topics, but I now realize that these are subjects I have educated myself on (years worth) and my interest drove me to learn more, and my thirst for knowledge turned into love in my heart. I am who I am. I love what I love... but that will change over time... as it should.
I hope you will, if only for a moment, look within yourself for your guiding light. I promise, what you find will be amazing.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Mason's in kindergarten!
Look at my gorgeous little baby. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting in the rocking chair, rubbing my pregnant belly...
Showing off his awesome backpack!
Seriously, what a stud.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
My An Orphan's Wish Office
The AOW flyers with letters attached, all tucked neatly into my favorite Bob Marley folder. Ready for distribution.
Pay It Forward
One of the things that I hate most in this life is... joining in with the crowd.
Following the shooting this morning at JHH, I imagine there will be a lot of talk about the implications of the incident for hospital staff, patients, and the community in general. I have already seen the various facebook statuses... mostly shock and disgust with what transpired at the hospital this morning.
So, it is almost painful for me to discuss this topic that others are speaking about, but I feel I may have a different point of view and so I digress.
I have so much to say.
First, media does society such a disservice. Entertainment for many is a handbook for some. Whoever dreams up the insanely ridiculous season finales of the newest television drama, is a mastermind. You are a genius. I could never just imagine that scene unfolding! And most likely, neither could any other joe shmow. Unfortunately, the concept for the TV drama gives birth to psychopathic reality for some of the crazies in society. I am, by no means, placing blame. I firmly believe that each individual has their own mind and is capable of making their own decisions. Period. But the fact of the matter is, if you make a TV show depicting a distraught patient/family member shooting up a hospital, you create ideas in some who may not of thought of that on their own. Key word: may.
Furthermore, what the hell is wrong with people? Why does this society... these generations, seem to lack appreciation for human life? For life in general? Do you not see life... air to breath, eyes to see, a heart to beat? It is not acceptable to take another life. That should have never become an option at all. Now, it is a feasible and sometimes simple alternative. That is absurd.
Something is wrong with our society and why it takes a tragedy, such as the shooting at JHH, to open people's eyes, is beyond me. Wake up people! We need to make a change! We need to love one another. It is a learning process, but with knowledge comes acceptance, and through acceptance, love can form.
If you take nothing else from my scattered writings, please take this moment to consider love over hate. It starts with you. One, single person... in one, single instance... choosing kindness over cruelty. It WILL create a chain reaction. Pay it forward, peeps!
Following the shooting this morning at JHH, I imagine there will be a lot of talk about the implications of the incident for hospital staff, patients, and the community in general. I have already seen the various facebook statuses... mostly shock and disgust with what transpired at the hospital this morning.
So, it is almost painful for me to discuss this topic that others are speaking about, but I feel I may have a different point of view and so I digress.
I have so much to say.
First, media does society such a disservice. Entertainment for many is a handbook for some. Whoever dreams up the insanely ridiculous season finales of the newest television drama, is a mastermind. You are a genius. I could never just imagine that scene unfolding! And most likely, neither could any other joe shmow. Unfortunately, the concept for the TV drama gives birth to psychopathic reality for some of the crazies in society. I am, by no means, placing blame. I firmly believe that each individual has their own mind and is capable of making their own decisions. Period. But the fact of the matter is, if you make a TV show depicting a distraught patient/family member shooting up a hospital, you create ideas in some who may not of thought of that on their own. Key word: may.
Furthermore, what the hell is wrong with people? Why does this society... these generations, seem to lack appreciation for human life? For life in general? Do you not see life... air to breath, eyes to see, a heart to beat? It is not acceptable to take another life. That should have never become an option at all. Now, it is a feasible and sometimes simple alternative. That is absurd.
Something is wrong with our society and why it takes a tragedy, such as the shooting at JHH, to open people's eyes, is beyond me. Wake up people! We need to make a change! We need to love one another. It is a learning process, but with knowledge comes acceptance, and through acceptance, love can form.
If you take nothing else from my scattered writings, please take this moment to consider love over hate. It starts with you. One, single person... in one, single instance... choosing kindness over cruelty. It WILL create a chain reaction. Pay it forward, peeps!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What can your kid do?
Because mine... well mine can make this... out of a mini oreo cookie!
Artist: Austin Petr- 19 months
Monday, September 13, 2010
An Orphan's Wish
You all are doing an amazing job, supporting An Orphan's Wish! Thank you to everyone out there who is sponsoring, donating, spreading the word, and praying for AOW!
If you don't know what I'm talking about, or haven't had the time to check us out, please visit!
Thanks again!
You ARE making a difference!
If you don't know what I'm talking about, or haven't had the time to check us out, please visit!
Thanks again!
You ARE making a difference!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A Superhero Party!
Today we had a great time at, our friend, Micah's 4th birthday party! The kids all had fun at the park, especially since they got to dress up like their favorite super heroes. Somebody want to explain why no one dressed up like a mom???? Hmmm...
Super Austin on the slide!

Batman, aka. Mason, speeding away on his bat mobile, aka. scooter.
Super Austin on the slide!
Batman, aka. Mason, speeding away on his bat mobile, aka. scooter.
A collaboration of great minds.
Our 6th Anniversary
Today, Mike and I celebrate 6 fabulous years of marriage. Over the last 10 years, we have spent almost every day together. It wouldn't be surprising to me if we had already had our share of good times and bad, but truth be told, everyday with my husband is a blessing. He is so patient and understanding. He is so very loving. He is a phenomenal father, which if course makes me love him even more! I have been so lucky to find my match so young in life. From the very beginning, I knew God had us find each other in order to carry out His big plans and I am so glad He trusted us. There is not another person on this earth who could fill my man's shoes... I am so lucky to have him on my team.
Proof that Mike knows who I am deep in my soul... and loves me just the way I am!
Proof that Mike knows who I am deep in my soul... and loves me just the way I am!
The biggest and most romantic fortune cookie ever! Note: this may or may not have already been devoured.
The beautiful roses that Mr. Romance left as a trail from the bedroom to my gift on the kitchen table!
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